Status history

All times are Central Europe Time (1 hour ahead of London, 6 hours ahead of New York). Only major issues are reported here.

Feb 28. 2017, 1850 - Amazon S3 outage

Our storage cloud provider, Amazon S3, is experiencing an outage, resulting in loading issues for images and assets on PhotoDeck (as well as on dozens of thousands of other websites across the Internet). We're monitoring the situation.

UPDATE 2150: Images can now be loaded from S3, but uploading to S3 is still affected.


May 7. 2012 - connection issues for some users

A RAID hard disk on one of the servers went down at about 1600 and caused sporadic issues with the service for some users, and therefore that server was taken offline.

The hard disk was replaced at 1730 and the server was taken back into use.

The server went nonetheless down again at 1936, for an unknown reason.

Update 1940: We took into use a new server, which we were planning to deploy tomorrow (Murphy at its best), to provide for additional capacity until the failing server is repaired. Service delays and connection errors still occur.

Update 2025: all servers are up, still some sporadic issues with the problematic server cause occasional delays, while it gets fully back in sync. The issues are caused by the very system which we are in the process of changing (shared filesystem among the servers).

Update 2105: things are now mostly back to normal. We're monitoring closely. No more update expected.