New social sharing feature

This update replaces the Addthis widget by integrated, modern icons

Allowing viewers to share your website and your images to their social networks is an important marketing feature. For very long, we have integrated AddThis into our designs to handle this.

This solution, while convenient, had a number of issues: it significantly affected the websites' speed, raised some privacy issues, and perhaps most importantly, looked outdated and didn't make it obvious for your visitors how to share what they were seeing.


So today, we're delighted to fully retire AddThis from all our designs. Instead, we've build a much more intuitive and modern-looking solution, that displays a clear SHARE icon on enlarged images, full-screen views and galleries' thumbnails pages.

The icon opens a nice integrated popup with all major social networks, including Pinterest.

And as usual, it's customizable

For example, on the enlarged images / videos, you can display the icon either over the image (like in the screenshot above), or with the buttons outside the frame of the image (you'll find that setting in the Gallery Styles settings under Enlarged images and videos / Navigation and buttons / Buttons options).

And if you don't want to use that new feature, you can desactivate it on both thumbnails and enlarged images pages.

What if I liked AddThis?

Frankly, we feel the new integrated solution is so much better on many levels that we don't recommend keeping the old widget. But if you do want to keep it, simply please make sure you don't upgrade your design!

If you're not sure yet, remember that you can always preview the upgrade (and revert) before committing to the change and applying to your live website. You can also backup your design before applying the upgrade!

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